Friday 3 January 2014

Magnificent Riflebird of Paradise...

Magnificent Riflebird of Paradise,Ptiloris Magnificus, Bird of paradise.
Male Ptiloris Magnificus
Ptiloris Magnificus:
The Magnificent Riflebird is a medium sized, a perching bird of the Paradisaeidae family. This species used to be placed in its own genus, Craspedophora Gray, 1840, which is now a subgenus of Ptiloris. Ptiloris magnificus is the scietific name of Magnificent Riflebird, Ptiloris is Greek word which means feathered nose and Magnificus is a Latin word that means magnificent, splendid. Its common name Magnificent Riflebird nominally based on ornated likeness

Tuesday 31 December 2013

Long-tailed Paradigalla bird of Paradise...

Long-tailed Paradigalla,Paradigalla Carunculata, Bird of Paradise,
Long-tailed Paradigalla Female
Paradigalla Carunculata:
The Long-tailed Paradigalla is a medium sized bird of paradise. The scientific name of Long-tailed Paradigalla is Paradigalla carunculata. Paradigalla is a combination of two latin words “Paradisaea and Gallus” which means jungle fowl, and Carunculata is also latin word which means small piece of flesh. One of the most simple and least known

Pale-billed Sicklebill Bird of Paradise....

Pale-billed Sicklebill, Drepanornis Bruijnii, Bird of Paradise.
Male Pale-billed Sicklebill
Drepanornis Bruijnii:
The Pale-billed Sicklebill is a medium sized bird of paradise. Its scientific name is Drepanornis bruijnii, Drepanomis is a Greek word which means sickle bird, Bruijnii named after Dutch Plume Trade dealer (Antonie Augustus Bruijn). As its common name describes pale bill which makes it prominent from other species of sicklebill. The adult male is approximately 35 cm in length, while adult female is about 34 cm long. Male Pale billed sicklebill is olive brown bird of paradise. Male has black head with naked blue face patch and purple iridescent feathers below eye, brown arc, pale sicklebill, pectoral feathers tipped with iridescent green, longer pectoral plumes tipped purple, smaller ones bronze and remaining underparts lavender grey and tail russet. The adult female 

Monday 30 December 2013

Black Sicklebill Bird of Paradise...

Black Sicklebird of Paradise,Epimachus Fastosus,Bird of Paradise, Paradisaeidae Family.
Male Black Sicklebill
Epimachus Fastosus:
As the name implies , Black Sicklebill a large bird of paradise, with a long , strong, curved beak. The tail is immensely long, these are largest plumed birds of paradise, colorful and richly decorated family and is known for the species . The Black Sicklebill (Epimachus Fastosus) male reaching up to 110 cm in length, and female is 48 cm long. The male Black Sicklebill is the longest member of Paradisaeidae family. Most members of this family of birds, male black sicklebills are remarkably larger and more gorgeous in outlook than females, they are rich black in colour but show a beautiful metallic green and purple iridescence in certain light conditionsFemales are filled with chestnut brown margins. The underparts are off white and feature sensitive dark-brown stripping. In both male & female, they have reddish

Sunday 29 December 2013

Magnificent Bird of Paradise...

Magnificent Bird of Paradise,Cicinnurus Magnificus, Paradisaeidae Family.
Male Cicinnurus Magnificus
Cicinnurus Magnificus:
The Magnificent Bird of paradise is a small  bird of paradise with ultimately beautiful plumage. The adult male is approximately up to 26 cm in length. They belongs to the Paradisaeidae family. Cicinnurus is a Greek word, which means curled lock of hair, refering to specialised feathers on head, magnificus is a Latin word which

Saturday 28 December 2013

Twelve Wired Bird of Paradise...

Twelve wired Bird of paradise,Seleucidis melanoleucus, Bird of Paradise.
Seleucidis Melanoleucus Mating Rituals
Seleucidis Melanoleucus:
The (Seleucidis melanoleucus) Twelve wired Bird of paradise  is a medium sized bird. The Twelve wired bird of paradise is a single member of the monotypic category, which is SeleucidisThe adult male is approximately 33 cm (13 in) in length. The upperparts of male bird of paradise are velvet black from top and yellow from bottomThe male

Friday 27 December 2013

Lesser Bird of Paradise...

Lesser Bird of Paradise,Paradisaea Minor, Paradisaeidae Family.
Male Paradisaea Minor
Paradisaea Minor:
The Lesser Bird of paradise,  is a bird of paradise belongs to the genus Paradisaea. Paradisaea Minor is a scientific name of Lesser bird of paradise, Paradisaea is a Latin word which means paradise, and minor is also a Latin word which means lesser, its common name differentiaties its smaller size with the similar but larger Greater Bird of Paradise. The Lesser Bird of paradise is an average sized, up to 32 cm in length (excluding central tail wires), dark brown with a yellow crown and brownish yellow from upperside. The adult male has a dark emerald green throat, a pair of long tail wires and is delightful with decorative flank plumes which are deep yellow at their bottom and decolorize outwards into white. The adult female has a dark brown head with and yellow  back of the neck and covering, dark brown upperparts and white underparts. It shows up probably that birds of paradise also own toxins in their skins,